Good morning, friends and neighbors. HOW is it July already? Nothing is better than a Minneapolis summer and we have activities for everyone.

Saturday, July 6th at 9 a.m. we will be sponsoring yoga and hope to see all of you. The forecast is for a high of 82 and sunshine. Join us, please. Bring a mat, some water, and a friend. It is free to all participants and open to all.

The end of this incredible season for the Mill City Singers is fast approaching. We have 2 more rehearsals on July 6th and 13th at 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie. It is all 'show and tell' day. Bring a talent or interest you would like to share. Send Claudia an email at so she can get you on the list. Don't worry, there will be plenty of time to sing too!!

At 4:00 on Saturday the 6th, we will be sponsoring a 1 hour concert featuring singers from the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship program. These are incredibly talented young people and you will want to come and support them. Bring a chair, your favorite beverage, and a friend.

Mark your calendars now!

July 13th--Rehearse, 2:00-3:30, Guthrie, 8th floor

July 19th--Perform at Kelley Park, Apple Valley

July 20th - Open Eye Theater Puppet Show - 4:00PM

July 21st--Lead the singing of 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame' at Target Field, 1:00. There are still a few tickets available. See Claudia at rehearsal.

August 3rd – Aerialist – 11:00AM

August 6th – National Night Out – Taiko Drums – 4:00PM

August 17th – Ice Cream Social and Games in the Park – Led by Cedar Riverside Athletic and Enrichment--4:00PM

WOW!! Don't miss anything.


