
Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Baby, it's cold outside!  Luckily for all of us, Saturday will be much better and actually pretty perfect for singing together.

Join us on Saturday at 2:00 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  We will be learning new songs and working on songs we have sung before.  Remember that we sing songs of optimism and joy and you will leave feeling better than you did when you came.

Bring a friend, a neighbor, or anyone that loves singing and could use a boost to their spirit.

See you on Saturday!!

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Singers! We had a wonderful Show and Tell last week with several people still to present.  Everyone that volunteered will get a chance and we will do a few every Saturday during our regular rehearsal time.  You won't want to miss it.

We are rehearsing on Saturday, February 15 at 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  There will be new songs to learn, familiar songs to sing together, and so much community to share. Bring a friend, a neighbor, and/or yourself and hustle over to the Guthrie for 90 minutes of sheer joy.

The schedule for the rest of the 2024-25 season is as follows:

February 15, 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 25 (Concert at Capri Theater), 29
April 5, 12, 26
May 3 (Singing in Loring Park to celebrate World Peace Day), 10, 17

May 19, Music Matters Luncheon at the Depot, 12:00-1:00
June 7, 14, 21 (Leading the singing of Take Me Out to the Ballgame at the Twins game, 1:10), 28 (Potluck celebration at the Legacy condos, 2:00-4:00)
Our season will end on June 27th with a concert at Kelley Park in Apple Valley.  We do this every year and it is always great fun. There will be a potluck celebration on June 28th at the Legacy condos.

See you soon!

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Singers.  We have a really fun Saturday planned.

It is Show and Tell day.  That is a day when JD invites all of us to share something with our community singers.  Sing a song, read a poem, share a talent, etc.  If you plan to do that, please contact Claudia at so she can compile a list.  The only limitation is that we ask you to keep it to less than 5 minutes so we can give everyone a chance to share.

JD has mentioned 'The Movement Revisited' many times.  It is a project he co-wrote with Christian McBride and plans to teach us some of the music from it.  You can watch it at

are having such fun and hope you can join us on Saturday.  Remember the people that will be performing NEED an audience and you will have a great time.

Thank you!!

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, all!  The Singers are BACK this Saturday, February 1st, 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie. Are you interested in singing with an incredible community and spending 90 minutes having fun?  Join us.

Don't forget to get your tickets to hear Fred at Chanhassen Dinner Theater of February 2nd, Baritones; Broadway to Vegas.  You can get your tickets at  It will be an amazing night of Fred-ness!!!

It's going to be an incredible 2025.  Stay tuned for more information every week.

Thank you for all you do to make our community.  Stronger together!

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Neighbors!  What a gloriously cold week here in Minnesota.  If you live here, you KNOW what winter brings, and while we may complain a bit, it is part of the Minnesota Mystique!

Believe it or not, February 1st is just one week from today.  Our long winter hiatus is almost over, and we can sing together again as the days get longer and warmer.  Join us!  Come be part of making great music with fabulous harmonies, amazing people, and an incredible director and accompanist.  Listening to JD and Fred sing every week is worth every effort you make to get there.

Please let me know what you want to do for the February 8th Show and Tell. It's a fun thing we do yearly. Everyone is invited to share something with the group--a song, a poem, a hobby, or anything you want the group to know about you.  We ask that you keep it to less than 5 minutes and email Claudia at so she can get the list to JD.

The schedule for the rest of the 2024-25 season is as follows, and, as promised, there are already a few tweaks:

February 1, 8 (Show and Tell), 15, 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 25 (Concert at Capri Theater), 29
April 5, 12, 26
May 3, 10, 17
June 7, 14, 21 (Lead the singing of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame' at the Twins), 28 will be our season ending potluck from 2-4. It's a really fun way to recap our season and start talking about next season.
Our last performance is on June 27th with a concert at Kelley Park in Apple Valley.  We do this every year and it is always great fun.

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

The joy of it all. I didn’t foresee how much joy this would bring, especially through the choir. Music is a powerful force for optimism and healing.

As part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Claudia Kittock.

Claudia Kittock is a retired college professor and founder of Be That Neighbor who lives in Minneapolis. She mentors young adults who have experienced homelessness, serves as volunteer coordinator of Be That Neighbor programs Yoga in the Park and the Mill City Singers, and is a member of the Task Force to end Street Homelessness.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

I was searching for something meaningful to do after retirement, so I started attending meetings that interested me. I discovered some truly fascinating ones. As a child psychologist specializing in traumatized teens, I first began volunteering with YouthLink to help kids get their GEDs and joined a task force to end street homelessness. Our community has around 20 percent of its population experiencing homelessness, and they often go unseen. I started to see the ways that I could help, and began talking to others in my downtown Minneapolis community nine years ago about how we could work as a bigger organization. My neighbors came together to build a community that includes everyone — housed and unhoused and we started our nonprofit,“Be That Neighbor.

First we had the idea our community needed more music. We approached a local music school and were paired with renowned singer and choir director J.D. Steele, to start a community choir. On the first day, 29 people showed up, and we realized we had something special. Nine years later, our choir has more than 500 people on the roster, performing everywhere from Orchestra Hall to the Super Bowl. It’s completely free to join. Our board, initially just a group of friends, evolved as we realized we needed to secure funding to keep it accessible to all, and as our organization grew, so did our programming.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company or organization?

Our neighborhood didn’t have a community 20 years ago — it was an industrial area. Then the warehouses started to be converted into condos, and today 6,000 people live here. But there was no established sense of togetherness– so we began to build one. When we first started the choir, it was meant to be just a fun activity, but soon we realized that art was the best way to bring people together. Our mission became about building community through the arts, sports and other activities with transparent, barrier-free access — no one has to pay; anyone can just show up. Anyone is our neighbor.

When we formed Be That Neighbor, we had two rules: we all had to like each other, and we had to bring different skills to the table. It turned out to be a brilliant idea. We have a fundraiser, an influencer, a grant writer, and even JD Steele as our creative genius. Together, we sit down and discuss our upcoming projects, needs, and goals, and most importantly, we get things done.

One particularly fruitful partnership has been with Cedar Riverside, a nearby neighborhood just six blocks away from us that is home to many East African– Somali and Ethiopian– immigrant families. We wanted to bridge the gap between our neighborhoods and make real connections through our programs. We’ve also launched projects like the Mill City Players, now called Hope 612, which brings together homeless youth and immigrant teens through theater, allowing them to bond over shared feelings of invisibility. This initiative changed lives — every homeless teen involved in the program eventually found housing, and all went on to college or found jobs. We also created a landscaping program to clean up the shared parks spaces in Cedar Riverside, field a competitive East African boys basketball team, make sports available to young women in the same community, offer seasonal free yoga in the park, and support other programs that make a true positive impact on our community on a daily basis.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When we were fundraising for our second choir session, I sent out letters and raised money, but I made a math mistake. I sent thank-you notes saying we had plenty of money, only to realize we were actually short. I called a neighbor with experience in foundations and told her about the mistake. She asked how much we needed, and when I said $2,000, she immediately put a check in the mail. She told me, “If you’re going to run a charity, you have to learn to ask for what you need, and people will step up.” It was a valuable lesson. We are always asking for what we need.

Can you describe how you or your organization is making a significant social impact?

The most powerful thing we do is open doors. We create opportunities and ensure everyone knows they’re welcome, whether they live a few blocks away or across town. Our programs break down barriers, particularly in communities like Cedar Riverside, where there’s a large immigrant population. We make an effort to be present in their neighborhood and invite them to be part of ours.

We’re truly building connections. At one point, someone in the choir remarked, “It’s too bad we don’t have unhoused people joining.” But we do — they just blend in, and that’s the power of music. It breaks down barriers and brings everyone together.

Can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?

One of our original actors was homeless when he joined our theater program. While participating, he was able to find housing, finished his GED, went to vocational school, and became a carpenter. He also wrote two poetry books, is taking college classes, got a dog, and is now looking to buy a car. His journey is one of our greatest successes, but he’s just one example — there are many others.

Coach Jennifer Weber, one of our board members (and the coach and founder of our basketball program and co-founder of our theater program), recently started a landscaping program for youth deeply impacted by chemical abuse. They’ve transformed areas around Cedar Riverside, turning previously neglected and dangerous spaces into beautiful, welcoming parks. The impact has been profound — troubled youth who were once shunned are now approached by adults asking about their work. One participant has even enrolled in a landscape architecture course.

Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?

  1. Let us do the work we know how to do. Our organization knows what needs to be done. We need support — funding, volunteers, and people to share our story.

  2. Help with visibility. We’re so busy doing the work that we often struggle to get the word out. Sharing our mission can help attract more support and involvement.

  3. Donations. We frequently run drives for cold weather gear for those who might be sleeping outside in freezing temperatures, and other essentials. We need financial support to continue providing for those in need. Donations can be made at

How do you define “Leadership”? Can you explain what you mean or give an example?

Leadership means listening and doing the work. I don’t tell people what to do — I ask, listen, and pay attention. That’s how we decide our next steps. Opening doors for people and letting them find what they need is key. For example, I always tell people to come to one choir rehearsal — they end up staying because they feel better afterward.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.

  1. Fundraising is a journey. We had no idea what it really meant when we started. We learned along the way.

  2. The resilience and strength of youth. Working with homeless youth has been eye-opening — their integrity and generosity, despite their struggles, are inspiring.

  3. It’s a full-time job. Running a nonprofit takes time and energy, but it’s fulfilling work.

  4. Ask for what you need. If you don’t ask, you don’t receive. Stepping out of my comfort zone to ask for help was a big learning curve.

  5. The joy of it all. I didn’t foresee how much joy this would bring, especially through the choir. Music is a powerful force for optimism and healing.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

Community building through active listening. We often assume we know what’s best for others, but real change happens when we take the time to hear directly from the people we want to help. This movement would inspire people to start conversations, listen deeply to their neighbors, and take small, actionable steps toward creating opportunities for all. It’s about being brave enough to try, even if you’re unsure of the outcome. That’s how real connections are formed, and real change begins.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”?

My current favorite is by Gloria Steinem: “I’m not going to pass the torch, I need to keep my torch lit so I can continue to light other people’s torches.” To me, this speaks to the ongoing responsibility of staying engaged and active in what you love. I see it as my role to keep fueling others, to make sure that the good work continues beyond me.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US, with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why?

Mackenzie Scott. She’s been making incredible changes with her philanthropy, focusing on organizations that often go unnoticed but do life-changing work. I think the smaller, grassroots efforts — like ours — are where real transformation begins, and I’d love the opportunity to talk with her about supporting initiatives like ours that build community from the ground up.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can follow our journey and get involved through our website:

This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Neighbors!  I hope 2025 is off to a wonderful start and you are finding a way to stay warm.

In just 3 weeks, the Mill City Singers will return to rehearsing on February 1st, 2:00-3:30, on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  Remember that all you need to do is come!!  There are no fees to anyone who wants to sing and no auditions.  The board of Be That Neighbor does the work of raising funds to support this and all of our other programs so that participants do not have to worry about being able to afford the fees.  Just come.

The schedule for the rest of the 2024-25 season is as follows:

February 1, 8 (Show and Tell), 15, 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 25 (Concert at Capri Theater), 29
April 5, 12, 26
May 3, 10, 17
June 7, 14, 21, 28
Our season will end on June 27th with a concert at Kelley Park in Apple Valley.  We do this every year and it is always great fun.

Please read your weekly emails as things may and will change as the year progresses. Stay tuned!!

I close this email with a quote from C.S. Lewis. "Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."  How about today?

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Neighbors!  I hope 2025 is off to a wonderful start. We have been busily working to plan a great year and can't wait to share the information.

The Mill City Singers are on winter hiatus and will return to rehearsing on February 1st, 2:00-3:30, on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  Remember that all you need to do is come!!  There are no fees and no auditions.  The board of Be That Neighbor does the work of raising funds to support this and all of our other programs so that participants do not have to worry about being able to afford the fees.  Just come.

The schedule for the rest of the 2024-25 season is as follows:

February 1, 8, 15, 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
April 5, 12, 26
May 3, 10, 17
June 7, 14, 21, 28
July 12

Please read your weekly emails as things may and will change as the year progresses. Stay tuned!!

I close this email with a quote from Wester Hailes. "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change."  May it ever be so!!

Claudia, Jan, Mimi, Susan, Jennifer, JD, Chuck, and Mike

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, neighbors!   As 2024 comes to an end, Be That Neighbor has so very much to celebrate.  The energy we feel as our programs continue to expand is nothing short of wonderful. If the pandemic taught us anything, it taught us to be grateful for every time we gather with our neighbors and friends.

Over 100 individual donors supported our mission in 2024. Every program that we created and manage is free and open to every participant. There are no fees to participate in any Be That Neighbor program, nor are there any requirements.  Our motto is, “Just come!” Finding the money to pay the professionals who lead our program is part of our work.  We start the programs, we find the very best professionals to lead our programs, we manage the programs, we find places for our programs to live, and we find the funding to make it all happen. It’s wonderful work and we love what we do.

2024 saw a resurgence of the Mill City Singers.  Every week, there are 5-8 inquiries about how to join the singers.  There are over 450 singers on our roster, with an average attendance of 65 singersl  We performed at Capri Theater twice, and, as always, had the very best time in one of the most beautiful venues in Minneapolis. Singing in Loring Park and Apple Valley are favorite outings, and, of course, leading the singing of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” during the 7th inning stretch at Target Field. 

Yoga in the Park met every Saturday from Memorial Day to Labor Day in Gold Medal Park and was wonderful.  While rain interrupted us a few times, we averaged 47 practitioners. This is a simple and meaningful part of summer in our community.

We again sponsored National Night Out.  Gold Medal Park was the location of this gathering of our community.  This year we featured the Enso Taiko drumming group and everyone who attended was thrilled with the performance.  We are so thankful to each of you who participated in this event to help solidify our community.  The drummers are already committed to returning next year!

Our efforts to provide activities in Gold Medal Park were wonderfully successful. We are thrilled to give Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship recipients a chance to shine and shine they did.  Barb and Eben Gillespie led a sing-a-long. Open Eye Theater performed a wonderful puppet show that was enjoyed by adults and children. Our best attended event was the afternoon we brought in an aerialist who performed a thrilling act with students from her school.

Be That Neighbor is honored to partner with the Zahara Kathawalla Foundation.  “The purpose of the ZKF is to honor Zahara’s legacy by awarding funding that supports young individuals on their path toward personal growth through broadened experiences and opportunities in three intersecting areas: education, cultural exploration, and wellness.” We look forward to 2025 and to new ways to partner with this neighborhood charity.

 We all agree that music is incredibly important in our daily lives, for health and for joy, and making sure that children have music in their lives as they grow and develop is even more important. The Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship is currently serving 13 very talented young people.  It is designed to make sure that children get those music lessons when their families can’t afford them.  We pay the teachers to give the lessons, and the joy it brings is obvious when you hear these singers sing.  If you haven’t seen the video about this program, please watch it at

On October 17th with the support of MacPhail Center for Music, we were honored to host a benefit concert in Antonello Hall featuring the Steeles. Several of the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship recipients as well as athletes and scholars from Cedar Riverside helped us greet our guests and made sure everyone felt welcomed. The Steeles rocked the house and sent us home feeling optimistic and joyful.  What else can you ask?

We continue to partner with the Cedar Riverside Athletics and Enrichment community organization. The dynamic young people who make this organization work are incredibly effective.  From the founding of the first ever Youth Council to athletic activities to homework sessions to so much more, to the first summer of Ground Work, they are determined to change our city and be part of making the future brighter and better. We are so proud to work with these wonderful people and their fearless leader, Jennifer Weber.

2025 will see the production of Hope 612, written by our own Dream Team; Mahad Ahmed, Anthony Anderson, Sam Karpeh, Mahamed Salad, and Miske Salad. The script will tell the real life stories of growing up on the streets of Minneapolis, ending with the hopes of the young people who live here. You can learn more at

2025 will be more . . .more singing, more yoga, more concerts, and things we haven't even imagined yet. There are some surprises coming and joy all around!

I am honored every day to work with the best board of directors. When Be that Neighbor began 9 years ago, we agreed on 2 things about the board.  We have to like each other (which is easy) and we have to have different talents.  It has made the running of this organization joyful and fun. 

  • Susan Doherty is our grant writer and her experience and skills in all matters can’t be replicated. 

  • Jennifer Weber connects us to Cedar Riverside and makes sure we are a true community with our friends a few blocks away. 

  • Jan Mershon is our creative force.  For every idea the rest of us come up with, Jan has 10.

  • JD Steele is our musical genius, directing the Mill City Singers, the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship, and composing and arranging new music for us whenever the need arises.

  • Chuck Geary is invaluable in raising money and helping us generate a plan for partnering with local businesses.

  • I continue to do what I do best, have coffee, which is my joy and how I connect with our neighbors. I also manage yoga in the park, the Mill City Singers, and Hope 612. I am honored to meet so many of you, to learn from you and listen to you, and to discover what it means to support a community.

  • Mildred Methvin and Michael Seaman have joined the board in the last few weeks and will be wonderful assets going forward.

Nothing we do would be possible without the incredible generosity of our partners. We are so thankful to the Guthrie, to MacPhail, to Ten Thousand Things, to the Cedar Riverside Youth Council, to Gold Medal Park, to the Capri Theater, DMNA,  to the Minnesota State Arts Board, to the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, and to every one of our 100 individual donors. You make it all possible.

 We thank you for your help and your continued support. Please ‘like’ Be That Neighbor on Facebook.  All news and events are posted there as well as on our website,  Tell your friends, tell your neighbors. For questions and comments, please contact me at Donations can be made at
 Claudia, Jan, Jennifer, Susan, JD, Chuck, Mimi, and Michael

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Singers!  We have one more Saturday to sing together in 2024 and hope you can all participate as it will be great fun and a perfect way to celebrate the season..

On Saturday, December 14th, we will be singing at Catholic Eldercare, 817 NE Main St, Please plan to be in the chapel by 2:00.  On street parking will probably be easiest so plan accordingly. We will sing with residents there until 3:30. We did this pre-pandemic and it was a memorable afternoon.  Mark your calendars!  You won't want to miss it.

See you on Saturday.


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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, singers!  I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was filled with laughter and love and great food. 

We have two wonderful weeks planned for the Mill City Singers.  On Saturday, December 7th, we will rehearse on the 8th floor of the Guthrie at 2:00.  At around 2:30, we will move to the lobby inside the Endless Bridge and sing for people who attended the matinee of 'A Christmas Carol' as they leave the Guthrie. It's a really fun event and hope you can all be there.

On December 14th, we will be singing at Catholic Eldercare, 817 NE Main St, Please plan to be there by 2:00.  We will sing with residents there until 3:30. We did this pre-pandemic and it was a memorable afternoon.  Mark your calendars!  You won't want to miss it.

Thank you for all you do to make the Mill City Singers the fabulous group it is. I look forward to a wonderful December with you.

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

To all of our neighbors and friends.

We are so grateful to each and every one of you for being part of creating this community we all love.  When we began Be That Neighbor we decided that being a part of our community had nothing to do with geography and joke that we 'don't check passports'. As Rabbi Joachim Prinz said, 'A neighbor is not defined by geography, but by a moral responsibility to care for and support those around you, regardless of distance.' That is the work we do with each and every one of you.

Today and every day we are thankful for;
-our donors.  In 2024, over 100 individual helped support this work.
-our partners.  We are so grateful to the Guthrie for the donation of our practice space, to MacPhail for the donation of the gorgeous Antonello Hall for our benefit concert, to the Zahara Kathawalla Foundation for their continued support, to Blossom Johnson for her work as a dramaturg to Hope 612, to the Cedar Riverside community for being fully engaged with us and sharing the Brian Coyle space with us.
-our volunteers. Mahad Ahmed, Anthony Anderson, Sam Karpeh, Miske Salad, and Mahamed Salad, the Dream Team, and writers of the incredible play, Hope 612.
-our board.  We are an all volunteer board.  Everything we do is done with grace and passion. Thank you to Jennifer Weber, Jan Mershon, Susan Doherty, JD Steele, Chuck Geary, Mimi Methvin, and Mike Seaman. I have never worked with a better group of people. They bring wisdom and laughter and hugs to everything we do and together we never lose focus on the work before us.

I was recently asked how this all happened.  I replied that we often assume we know what’s best for others, but real change happens when we take the time to hear directly from the people we want to help. We hope this nudges people to start conversations, listen deeply, and take small, actionable steps toward creating opportunities for all. It’s about being brave enough to try, even if you’re unsure of the outcome. That’s how real connections are formed, and real change begins.

Thank you for helping us to be brave enough to try!!

Claudia, Jennifer, Jan, Susan, Chuck, JD, Mimi, and Mike

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Singers!

We have a busy month ahead of us and plan to finish 2024 with great joy and a huge amount of fun.  On November 23rd, we will be rehearsing on the 8th floor of the Guthrie, 2:00-3:30.  There is no rehearsal on November 30th.

On December 7th we will meet for our usual rehearsal on the 8th floor of the Guthrie at 2:00.  We will be going to the lobby by the Endless Bridge midway through our rehearsal and finish our time together that day singing for patrons of 'A Christmas Carol' as they leave the theater.

On December 14th, we will meet at Catholic Eldercare, 817 NE Main St, at 2:00 and sing with residents there until 3:30. It is great fun and you will want to be part of it.

Our next rehearsal will be on February 1st, 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie. We will have to manage the absence  of our friends and fellow musicians during this  winter hiatus, just imagine the fun on February 1st. You can always have coffee with each other!!  I highly recommend it.

We are so grateful that you come, that you sing with your whole heart, and that we can all laugh together.  Each and every one of you IS that neighbor.


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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Hello, Singers!

The concert at the Capri was great fun.  There was incredible energy and, led by our JD and Fred, it was impossible not to 'catch' the optimism and joy.  Thank you to all of you that were there.  We can only do this with YOU and are grateful you showed up.

Friday, November 15th, we are singing at the Guthrie before opening night for "A Christmas Carol'. Please remember to meet us in the lobby by the Endless Bridge, between the 4th and 5th floors.  Plan to be there at 6:30.  There are no formal plans for what we are singing beyond what JD has us do . . .so don't stay home because you weren't there for rehearsal.  It will be extemporaneous and quite fun!  Dress in bright colors, and come sing with us.

Rehearsal on the 16th is a usual rehearsal, whatever that means!!!  See you on the 8th floor, 200-3:30.

It is an honor to sing with all of you!

Thank you---Claudia

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Singers.  We have a wonderful week planned and will need you to make it work well. 

On Tuesday, November 12th, we will be singing 3 songs at the Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway.  Parking is limited, so arriving by 6:00 for our 7:00 performance should make parking easier.  Please don't worry if you can't make it by 6, just come and sing with us.  It's a wonderful night of community and joy, and we can all use that infusion right now.  Please wear bright fall colors and bring all your energy!

On Friday, November 15th, we will be singing at the Guthrie before the opening night performance of 'A Christmas Carol'.  Meet in the lobby in front of the Endless Bridge, between the 4th and 5th floors. We will be singing carols and JD promises to engage the audience, which is great fun!  Please be there by 6:30 and we will be done by 7:30.  A great night!

On Saturday, November 16th, we will rehearse on the 8th floor of the Guthrie, 2:00-3:30.  A great way to end a terrific week.

See you all there---Claudia

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Singers!  It's a good day to do some work on your calendar, and here are the dates you will want to mark down.

-November 9th, rehearse, 2:00
-November 12, Concert at the Capri (2027 West Broadway), be there by 6:00 pm
-November 15, Caroling at the Guthrie, 6:30 pm
-November 16, rehearse, 2:00
-November 23, rehearse, 2:00
-December 7, rehearse and carol at the Guthrie, 2:00
-December 14, caroling at Catholic Eldercare (817 NE Main St,), 2:00
-December 21, rehearse, 2:00

We DO have fun, some come and enjoy!  You will be so glad you did.


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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning, Singers!  We hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather, knowing it won't last but embracing this moment.

We are having so much fun.  Every week we practice new music while singing songs we know. We laugh together and make wonderful music. The magic that happens every week is that all these rather ordinary voices join together, making a sound that is quite wonderful.  It really has to be experienced to fully understand!  The only thing we can do to improve it is to share it with others.

We have been invited to sing at the Guthrie on November 15th, 6:30-7:30 for the opening night performance of 'A Christmas Carol'. It's an incredibly fun evening and one you will want to experience.  Make sure to mark your calendars now.

Join us this week, November 2nd at 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  You will be so very glad you did!

Schedule for 2024:

November 2, 9, 12 (concert at the Capri),15th (caroling at the Guthrie) 16, 23

December 7 (caroling at the Guthrie), 14 (caroling at Catholic Eldercare),  21

Bring a friend and come sing with us.  Share the fun!


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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Oh, what a night!  If you were there, you know.  The amazing Steeles entertained us with 90 minutes of rollicking music. When we weren't singing along, we were clapping and tapping and smiling. 

We are so grateful for the people who spoke about each of the programs Be That Neighbor sponsors.  Thank you to Clement Wai from the Mill City Singers, to Mahad Ahmed from the Cedar Riverside Athletics and Enrichment, to Laurie TeBrake from Yoga in the Park, to Hodan Yusef from Groundwork, to Asher Bennett-Hays from the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship program. Thank you to Mahamed Salad for his skillful work in social media.  Thank you to Jennifer Weismann, the genius behind helping us tell our story to more people.Thank you to Blossom Johnson for her mentoring for the Dream Team. Thank you to MacPhail Center for Music for generously donating the use of Antonello Hall and to the Guthrie Theater for donating the space for our Saturday rehearsals.

You create all this.  We open the doors, and you make it all happen.

Thank you for your attendance.  Thank you for your donations.  Thank you for liking us on Facebook.  Thank you for telling your friends and neighbors.

THIS is how community happens and we are so honored to be part of this wonderful community.  We truly are stronger togehter.

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

We are having the best time!  Learning new music and singing songs we know, while we laugh together and make wonderful music. The magic that happens every week is that all these rather ordinary voices join together, making a sound that is quite wonderful.  It really has to be experienced to fully understand!

Join us this week, October 26th at 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  You will be so very glad you did!

Schedule for 2024:

October 26

November 2, 9, 12 (concert at the Capri), 16, 23

December 7 (caroling at the Guthrie), 14 (caroling at Catholic Eldercare),  21

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Claudia Kittock Claudia Kittock

Good morning!  Be That Neighbor needs your help.

Please tell your neighbors, your family, and your friends to watch me on Tuesday, October 22nd, at 4:00 on WCCO TV.  I will be interviewed by Erin Hassanzadeh on her program, WCCO The 4.  I will be talking about Be That Neighbor and the Benefit Concert on Thursday.

All of the money from tickets sales and donations will go directly to programs we sponsor and is tax deductible.  We want to make this the best concert ever with the joyful and incredible Steeles.  Tickets can be purchased at

me on TV and join us at the concert.  I guarantee a great time!!

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