Good morning, all!  We have an amazing weather forecast for Saturday morning, finally.  Join us at 9 a.m. in Gold Medal Park for an hour of glorious yoga in the most beautiful setting in Minneapolis.  Bring a mat, water, and a friend.  See you there!

The Singers have 1 more rehearsal before the summer hiatus.  We will meet on July 13th at 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  Please join us for great music, wonderful laughter, and an amazing community.  Just come. It is that easy!

A reminder that we will be singing in Apple Valley in Kelley Park at 6:30 on July 19th.  JD and Fred will begin the program and it will also include the glorious group from MacPhail Community Youth Choir, directed by JD.

On Sunday, July 21st, we will be leading the singing of 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame' at Target Field.  It's always a grand time and if you haven't picked up your ticket from Claudia, please do so at Saturday's rehearsal.

Be That Neighbor is sponsoring several more events in Gold Medal Park this summer.  Please make sure to mark your calendars so you don't miss even one.

July 13th--Rehearse, 2:00-3:30, Guthrie, 8th floor

July 19th, 6:30--Perform at Kelley Park, Apple Valley 

July 20th - Open Eye Theater Puppet Show - 4:00PM

July 21st--Lead the singing of 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame' at Target Field, 1:00.  There are still a few tickets available.  See Claudia at rehearsal.

August 3rd – Aerialist – 11:00AM

August 6th – National Night Out – Taiko Drums – 4:00PM

August 17th – Ice Cream Social and Games in the Park – Led by Cedar Riverside Athletic and Enrichment--4:00PM

Thank you for all you do for the community!


