Good morning friends and neighbors.  We hope this email finds you getting ready to enjoy a wonderful Wednesday.

The weather forecast for Saturday, the 29th is for sunshine!!!  We will be practicing yoga together in Gold Medal Parkat 9 a.m. It is the most beautiful setting in Minneapolis and we hope you join us. All you need is a mat and water, and bring a friend or neighbor to join this community of practitioners.

The Mill City Singers will not be rehearsing on Saturday. July is a busy month with great fun planned. We are learning wonderful songs and laughing together. There is plenty of time to join us.  With no auditions, and no fees, all you need to do is come.  Bring a friend!  The more the merrier. 

Know that we will begin again in September!!  Our schedule for the rest of this season is as follows:

July 6th--Rehearse, 2:00-3:30, Guthrie, 8th floor--Show and Tell day.  Contact Claudia at so that your name can be added to the list of people sharing their talents.

July 13th--Rehearse, 2:00-3:30, Guthrie, 8th floor

July 19th--Perform at Kelley Park, Apple Valley 

July 21st--Lead the singing of 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame' at Target Field, 1:00.  There are still a few tickets available.  See Claudia at rehearsal.

Looking forward to sharing our yoga practice together and singing together in July.  Don't miss a minute of either!


