Good morning, all!  Be That Neighbor has a wonderful weekend planned and our hopes are that you can participate in everything we are doing.

The Mill City Singers will be singing in Kelley Park in Apple Valley (6855 Fortino St, Apple Valley) on Friday, July 19th.  JD has suggested everyone plan to be there at 6:30.  Bring your lawn chair!  It's a wonderful setting and there will be a park filled with neighbors from Apple Valley.

On Sunday, July 21st, the Singers will be leading the singing of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" at the Twins game.  It's a wonderful end to our 2023-24 season.  You won't want to miss it.

To all of our faithful yogis, it's been an 'interesting' summer of Saturday morning rain showers.  The forecast for Saturday, the 20th is glorious, so let's try again.  We meet by the Gold Medal Park letters at 9 a.m. for an hour of yoga with friends and neighbors.  Bring a mat and water.

On Saturday afternoon at 4:00, Open Eye Theater will be performing a puppet show entitled, 'CowBoat'.  It's always great fun to have them in our park.  Bring your child AND your inner child for fun entertainment!

Thank you for all you do to help build our community.


