Good morning, Singers!  We MADE it . . .Labor Day is over, the kids are back in school, and we are just weeks away from returning to our rehearsals.

Be That Neighbor needs your help.  As you know, we are proud to offer many programs, all of them free and open to everyone.  To offer these programs, we raise the money to pay for the professionals who lead them.

Once a year we have a fundraiser and this year's event is on September 21st, 7:00 at Antonello Hall at MacPhail Center for Music.  Tickets are $100 each and are tax deductible.  When you add that to an evening of listening to the incredible Steele Family entertain us, it's too good an offer to resist.

Please buy your tickets at

Help us continue the Mill City Singers, the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship, Yoga in the Park, and all the other programs Be That Neighbor offers the community.  We are so grateful for your help.

Tell your friends, your neighbors, your relatives, and anyone you know who would enjoy this incredible evening.

We are stronger because of you!

Thank you.

