Good morning, friends and neighbors!  We are getting very close to a new season for the Mill City Singers and for our benefit concert.

Thank you to all of you who have already purchased your tickets for the benefit concert on September 21st at 7:00 at Antonello Hall. Tickets are $100 each and are tax deductible. When you add that to an evening of listening to the incredible Steele Family entertain us, it's too good an offer to resist. Please buy your tickets at We will not be selling tickets at the door, so please buy them in advance.

The 2023-24 season of the Mill City Singers will begin on September 23rd, 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  There are no fees, no auditions, and no attendance requirements.  All you need to do is come. I promise a wonderful time.

Tell your friends, your neighbors, your relatives, and anyone you know who would enjoy the benefit concert and singing with the Singers. The music, the fun, and the community of singers is exactly what we all need.

Join us!

