We are so very grateful


         Be That Neighbor exists to create connections between people, to create a community where we know people, where we share concerns, where we find commonality, where we can laugh together, make music together, exercise together, share art together, and help each other when help is needed. We know that we are stronger together, but we exist to build that together, to provide opportunities for people to find their village. We believe that being a neighbor has nothing to do with geography and everything to do with morality.

         Every person on this list helped us by donating money so that we could do the work we do.  Every person on this list made us stronger.  Every person on this list is a friend, a neighbor, and someone that is part of building the world we all want to inhabit.  Thank you!

Angie Norburg, Ardyce Schoonover, Arletha Blanks, Barb/Eben Gillespie, Barbara Broker, Barabara Crosby, John Bryson, Bill Scheer, Bridget Cerny, Brookman, Schumacher, Bruce/Harriet Bart, Camille Burke, Carla Adams, Cheryl Bailey, Cheryl/Steve Ylvisaker, Chris Carson, Chuck/Mary Jo Geary, Claire O’Connor, Claudia/Rick Kittock, Claudia Seltzer, Cub Foods, Darci Gabriel, David Moseman, David Tinjum/Kim Eslinger, Debra Siegel, Deidre Druk, Delia/Doug Jurek, Desiree Long, Donna Duffy, Erika Langford, Gail Irish, Gerald/Kathleen Sovell, Ginger Hedstrom, Henry Scheer, Holly Slocum, Jack Campbell, Jan Mershon, Janet Zahn, JD Steele, Joan Lentz, Joel Boyd, John Turner, Julie Dulude, Karen Lehman, Karla Jennings, Katherine Frey, Kathy Graves, Katie Searl, Kit Hanson, Ky Lee/v. Chin, Langdon Inc., Linda Giacomo, Linda/Dan Schultzenberg, Lisa Pilati-Warner, Lisa Weisman, Lou/Allan Burdick, Lyn Uhl, Madeline Betsch, Marie Garbe, Martha Gabbert, Mary/John Wilson, Mary Hofstad, Matt Pedersen, Maureen/Rick Rendahl, Meg Martinez, Michael Seaman, Michelle Shaw, Mike/Betsy Taylor, Mike/Peg Ferrel, Nancy Albrecht, Nancy Brown, Nancy Johnson, Noah/Susan Eisenberg, Oscar Rogers, Pamela Lott, Paul/Beth Gunderson, Paul Gunther, Penny Hunt, Polly Henderson, Rebecca Hofstad, Richard Vogel, Ruth Bachman, Sandi Sherman, Shannon Kennedy, Stacy Mott, Stephanie Tice, Steve Mayer, Susan Doherty, Susan Lahbil, Susan Schaffer, Susann Salmela, Tim/Lynn Jessen, Vickie Underland-Rosow, Ric Rosow, Vince O’Brien, Wai Wong, Will/Margee Bracken, and the Zahara Kathawalla Foundation.

