As 2023 comes to an end, Be That Neighbor has so very much to celebrate.  The energy we felt as our programs expanded was nothing short of wonderful. If the pandemic taught us anything, it taught us to be grateful for every time we get to gather with our neighbors and friends.

111 individual donors supported our mission in 2023. Every program that we started and manage is free and open to all. There are no fees to participate in any Be That Neighbor program, nor are there any requirements.  Our motto is, “Just come!” Finding the money to pay the professionals who lead our program is part of our work.  We start the programs, we find the very best professionals to lead our programs, we manage the programs, we find places for our programs to live, and we find the funding to make it all happen. It’s wonderful work and we love what we do.

         2023 saw a resurgence of the Mill City Singers.  Every week, I get 5-8 inquiries about how to join the singers.  There are over 400 singers on our roster, with an average attendance of 57 singersl  We performed at Capri Theater twice, and, as always, had the very best time in one of the best venues in Minneapolis. Singing in Loring Park and Apple Valley are favorite outings, and, of course, leading the singing of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” during the 7th inning stretch at Target Field. 

         Yoga in the Park, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, on Saturday mornings in Gold Medal Park was wonderful.  We were not rained this year, and averaged 52 practitioners. This is a simple and meaningful part of summer in our community.

         We again sponsored National Night Out.  Gold Medal Park was the location of this gathering of our community.  This year we featured the Enso Taiko drumming group and everyone who attended were thrilled with the performance.  We are so thankful to each of you who participated in this event to help solidify our community.  The drummers are already committed to returning next year!

         One of our proudest accomplishments was the launch of the video, ‘Be That Neighbor”. The music was composed by JD and Jevetta Steele, and Jevetta directed the video.  Stay tuned for an exciting challenge centering around the video to be launched in 2024.  If you haven’t seen it, please view it at

         Be That Neighbor is honored to partner with the Zahara Kathawalla Foundation.  “The purpose of the ZKF is to honor Zahara’s legacy by awarding funding that supports young individuals on their path toward personal growth through broadened experiences and opportunities in three intersecting areas: education, cultural exploration, and wellness.” We look forward to 2024 and to new ways to partner with this neighborhood charity.

         We also began a program of sponsoring artists to perform in the park.  Barb and Eben Gillespie, Jaz Steele, and several recipients of the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship sang there, as well as a puppet show from Open Eye Theater, and sharing free juice pops, water, and wildflower seeds to plant.  Our hopes are to expand this program in the coming year.

         We all agree that music is incredibly important in our daily lives, for health and for joy, and making sure that children have music in their lives as they grow and develop is even more important. The Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship, currently serving 13 very talented young people.  It is designed to make sure that children get those music lessons when their families can’t afford them.  We pay the teachers to give the lessons, and the joy it brings is obvious when you hear these singers sing.  If you haven’t seen the video about this program, please watch it at

         On September 21st with the support of MacPhail Center for Music, we were honored to host a benefit concert in Antonello Hall featuring the Steeles. Several of the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship recipients helped us greet our guests and made sure everyone felt welcomed. The Steeles rocked the house and sent us home feeling optimistic and joyful.  What else can you ask?

         We continue to partner with the Cedar Riverside Athletics and Enrichment community organization. The dynamic young people who make this organization work are incredibly effective.  From the founding of the first ever Youth Council to athletic activities to homework sessions to so much more, they are determined to change our city and be part of making the future brighter and better. We are so proud to work with these wonderful people and their fearless leader, Jennifer Weber.

         2024 will be more . . .more singing, more yoga, more concerts, and so much more. There are some surprises coming and joy all around!

         I am honored every day to work with the best board of directors. When Be that Neighbor began 9 years ago, we agreed on 2 things about the board.  We have to like each other (which is easy) and we have to have different talents.  It has made the running of this organization joyful and fun.  I am grateful to co-founder, Dave Tinjum, who makes sure our message gets out to all of you. Jan Mershon makes sure we use her knowledge and expertise about how our community works.  Susan Doherty is our grant writer and her experienced intelligence in all matters can’t be replicated.  Jennifer Weber connects us to Cedar Riverside and makes sure we are a true community with our friends a few blocks away.  JD Steele is our creative genius, directing the Mill City Singers, the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship, and composing and arranging new music for us whenever the need arises. Chuck Geary is invaluable in raising money and helping us generate a plan for partnering with local businesses. I continue to do what I do best, have coffee, which is my joy.  I am honored to meet so many of you, to learn from you and listen to you, and to discover what it means to support a community.

         Nothing we do would be possible without the incredible generosity of our partners. We are so thankful to the Guthrie, to MacPhail, to Ten Thousand Things, to the Cedar Riverside Youth Council, to Gold Medal Park, to the Capri Theater, DMNA, E. A. Michaelson for their donation, to the Minnesota State Arts Board, to the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, and to every one of our 90 individual donors. You make it all possible.

         We thank you for your help and your continued support. Please ‘like’ Be That Neighbor on Facebook.  All news and events are posted there as well as on our website,  Tell your friends, tell your neighbors. For questions and comments, please contact me at Donations can be made at


