Oh, what a night!  If you were there, you know.  The amazing Steeles entertained us with 90 minutes of rollicking music. When we weren't singing along, we were clapping and tapping and smiling. 

We are so grateful for the people who spoke about each of the programs Be That Neighbor sponsors.  Thank you to Clement Wai from the Mill City Singers, to Mahad Ahmed from the Cedar Riverside Athletics and Enrichment, to Laurie TeBrake from Yoga in the Park, to Hodan Yusef from Groundwork, to Asher Bennett-Hays from the Sallie Steele Birdsong Scholarship program. Thank you to Mahamed Salad for his skillful work in social media.  Thank you to Jennifer Weismann, the genius behind helping us tell our story to more people.Thank you to Blossom Johnson for her mentoring for the Dream Team. Thank you to MacPhail Center for Music for generously donating the use of Antonello Hall and to the Guthrie Theater for donating the space for our Saturday rehearsals.

You create all this.  We open the doors, and you make it all happen.

Thank you for your attendance.  Thank you for your donations.  Thank you for liking us on Facebook.  Thank you for telling your friends and neighbors.

THIS is how community happens and we are so honored to be part of this wonderful community.  We truly are stronger together!

