Good morning, Neighbors!  I hope 2025 is off to a wonderful start. We have been busily working to plan a great year and can't wait to share the information.

The Mill City Singers are on winter hiatus and will return to rehearsing on February 1st, 2:00-3:30, on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  Remember that all you need to do is come!!  There are no fees and no auditions.  The board of Be That Neighbor does the work of raising funds to support this and all of our other programs so that participants do not have to worry about being able to afford the fees.  Just come.

The schedule for the rest of the 2024-25 season is as follows:

February 1, 8, 15, 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
April 5, 12, 26
May 3, 10, 17
June 7, 14, 21, 28
July 12

Please read your weekly emails as things may and will change as the year progresses. Stay tuned!!

I close this email with a quote from Wester Hailes. "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change."  May it ever be so!!

Claudia, Jan, Mimi, Susan, Jennifer, JD, Chuck, and Mike

