Good morning, Singers!

Join us for week 2 of the 2023-24 season of the Mill City Singers.  We will be rehearsing on Saturday, September 30, 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie Theater.  Our first rehearsal was great fun and we began learning new songs while refreshing some songs we have sung before.  Remember there are no fees, no auditions, and no attendance requirements.  All we ask is that you come when you can, and come knowing you will leave feeling better than you did when you arrived.

As all of us know, it is flu season again, and COVID is one of those viruses. We will follow the guidelines of our host, the Guthrie.  Masks are not required. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please do.  If you aren't feeling well, please take a week off to recover and come back to us when you are well.

The Be That Neighbor video is on Facebook on the Be That Neighbor page and can be seen on YouTube at  If you like it, and you will, please share it with your friends!  This is the message we want to share and the more people that see it, the better.

Thank you for all you do to make our community better. We are stronger together.

