Good morning, all!

The Mill City Singers closed out the 2023-24 season with a busy and fun weekend.  We sang in Kelley Park in Apple Valley on July 19th to a huge and very receptive crowd.  The MacPhail Community Youth Choir joined us in the concert, and along with JD and Fred duets, it was a wonderful evening.  Sunday, the 21st saw us leading the singing of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" in front of 36,000 Twins fans.  What a weekend!

Mark your calendars for October 5th which will be the start of our 2024-25 season, the 10th year for the Mill City Singers.  There are many exciting things already being planned.  Join us!  You won't be sorry!!

Yoga in Gold Medal Park will begin at 9 a.m. on July 17th.  Bring a mat and water and a friend.  It's an amazing way to be a part of our community.

Please remember that everything we sponsor is free to participants.  The all-volunteer board of Be That Neighbor raises the funds needed to pay for our events and does all of the work of managing every program and event!

Mark your calendars for our August events.

Saturday, August 3rd, 11 a.m.--Aerialist in Gold Medal Park

Tuesday, August 6th, 6 pm--Taiko drums in Gold Medal Park

Saturday, August 17, 3:30 pm--Singer and ice cream social, and games led by the Cedar Riverside Athletic and Enrichment group.  Prizes will be awarded!!

Thank you for all you do---Claudia

