Good morning, neighbors!  I hope this finds you with a plan for the upcoming week that includes the wonderful activities Be That Neighbor has scheduled.

On Saturday, April 24th, we will begin the day with yoga in Gold Medal Park.  We meet at 9 a.m. around the Gold Medal sign, or anywhere that is free from sprinkling!  Grab a towel or mat, some water, and join us for an hour of hot yoga.

At 2:00, the Mill City Singers will be rehearsing on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  We have a performance coming up on July 28th in Apple Valley and we will be rehearsing songs for that performance as well as continuing to learn the "Be That Neighbor' song.  It's great fun and you won't want to miss it.

At 4:00, Be That Neighbor will be hosting the Open Eye Theater in Gold Medal Park for the production of Tucker's Robot. Bring your children, grandchildren, friends' children, and some chairs and water and meet us there.  This group is fantastic and the kid in you will love it too.

All of these activities are free and open to all.  Make sure you take full advantage of being part of this vibrant community.

