Good morning, Singers.  We are so grateful that Ruby has been found and is with her family. For each and every one of you who held her in your heart as you helped search for her, endless thanks. It took a village and you all stepped up.  You WERE that neighbor!

We are rehearsing this Saturday, October 14th, 2:00-3:30 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  Our rehearsals have been so much fun and we hope you can join us.  Remember, it's as simple as showing up.  That's all you need to do, no auditions and no fees, just come.

Our next performance is on October 24th at the Capri Theater on 2027 West Broadway.  JD has asked that we get there by 6:00, singing will begin at 7:00.  If you have never been to a concert at the Capri, you are in for an amazing evening.  It will be a full house, and the house will be rocking!

If you have friends and family that will be attending, please have them use this link to get a free ticket tot he event. Check out the Capri website and get details on how to order between 1 and 4 free tickets at This event is often a "sold out/rush line only" concert -- so order early. People can also search for the event and order tickets at
We expect it to be a full house and while the tickets are free, they will need a ticket.

The Be That Neighbor video is on Facebook on the Be That Neighbor page and can be seen on YouTube at  If you like it, and you will, please share it with your friends!  This is the message we want to share and the more people that see it, the better.

I hope to see you all on Saturday for an afternoon of singing and joy!  Don't miss it.

