We will be rehearsing today, Saturday, April 8th on the 8th floor of the Guthrie, 2:00-3:30. We are working on songs we will sing at the Capri as well as many other songs of joy. You won't want to miss it.
Our schedule has changed in the past few weeks. Please take a look and mark your calendars. We are singing at the MacPhail Music Matters Luncheon on May 4th 12:00-1:00 and will have tables for the Singers. If you plan to attend, and have not notified me, please do, so I can be sure there is a place for you and a lunch. It's a really special hour of music and you won't want to miss it. You can email me at cjkittock@gmail.com.
Thank you again for all you do to make music with the Singers!
-- Claudia
April 8, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
April 15, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
April 22, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
April 25 Capri Concert
April 29, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
April 30, Rehearse at MacPhail for Music Matters Luncheon, 6-9 pm (501 South 2nd Street, Minneapolis)
May 4th, Music Matters Luncheon, 12:00-1:00, Minneapolis Convention Center (1301 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis) Go to https://www.minneapolis.org/minneapolis-convention-center/attendees/public-event-parking-options/ for parking.
May 6, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
May 13, Singing in Loring Park for World Peace Day at 2:00
May 20, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
June 3, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
June 10, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
June 17 Take Me Out to the Ballgame, 1:10 first pitch
June 24, Rehearse at 2:00-3:30
July 28, Apple Valley Concert--7:00