We are having such a good time singing together.  Every week we welcome new singers, which is absolutely marvelous. Don't miss our rehearsal on Saturday, November 11th at 2:00 on the 8th floor of the Guthrie.  Remember there are no fees and no auditions.  All you need to do is come and sing with genuine joy.

We will be rehearsing on November 11th, 18th, December 2nd, 9th, and 16th before we take our break in January.  Our winter potluck will be on December 9th after rehearsal (3:30-5:00).  Bring a dish to share (and whatever serving utensils you need), and anything you want to drink.  Dishes, napkins, and utensils will be provided.

It is the perfect time of year to come to the Guthrie and sing with this wonderful group of musicians.

Hope to see you there!

